Monday, November 5, 2012

Things that go bump

So this is going to be short and sweet. I'm on the train home the other day (I took the later train to avoid being pushed into the tracks) and had a pleasant ride home. As I saw that we were approaching my stop, I walked to the door. The one side of the train was a bit crowded so I stood by the door on the opposite side. As we pulled into the station I felt a heavy whack on my bag. Freaked, I looked up to find the man standing next to me telling me I could get off the train on the other side once it stopped. All I could think was, "why thank you sir, yes I would have tried to pry the unopened doors, to my left, open with my bare hands. Then attempt to step out into thin air onto nothing if you hadn't told me the platform was on the opposite side of me." I managed to get a, "thank you" out. People are strange.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Days after Sandy

So the news came last night that a few Metro North trains would be taking people from Stamford making local stops to GC. Amazing news! I get to the train planning on jumping on the 7:48... The bell rings, I rush to the door and step on just before it closes. "Passengers this is the 7:25 local train to grand central...." I look down at my watch, yep it's 7:50. I'm apparently now on the 7:25 that had just space jumped backwards or the trains are all messed up. My guess was the second one.

We get rolling on our trusty old diesel train and reach the next stop. Catching a glimpse of trees torn out of the ground like spring weeds was just the start. As we approached the next stop, I'm still telling myself that the breaks were just wet from the rain because on any other day, I would have said "WE HAVE NO BREAKS!!!!" We came in like a freaking bucking bronco stepping on hot potato chips! The folic remark from the gentleman a few seats back reassured me that my concerns weren't just mine. Things smoothed out and we eventually reached New York. "125th st will be next then grand central!" I'm thinking, "awesome! Not as bad as I thought it would be!"
Did I speak to soon??? DUH! Mr train man comes on the speaker after we have been sitting in Harlem with the doors open for 15 mins and says, "uh sorry folks we seem to have lost power. We're gunna leave the doors open just incase anyone wants to walk. The shuttles and busses aren't running yet and the subways are down so, bare with us, we just have to her power back... Somehow. By the way your trip is free today and tomorrow thanks to gov Cuomo." ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... Umm k. So my monthly pass that I paid for means nothing today and I'm stuck in Harlem with a bunch of smelly folks who don't have power..... This.... Is..... My life.
We eventually make it to GC and I walk to work with one of my coworkers. I can honestly admit I have never seen grand central so dead in my entire life.

So the moment of truth comes... We walk back to grand central to catch our trains home completely worried about what we'll walk into once inside. We open the doors and look at the boards for the listings of times and tracks.... Awesome!!! Trains!!!!! No tracks!!!!! Ha! As we turn the corner and head to the pit or cattle call area, we join about 600 other commuters all waiting to get on the next two trains. I felt like I was on supermarket sweep! As soon as my track came up, the mad dash began! Track 26! And then came the announcer man..."the blah blah blah train to Stamford is being combine with the blah blah blah train to Harrison." WHAT?! So I'm not at all surprised at what happened next, however I did see my life flash before me. As I was swept into the mass of 400 people rushing to board a train that HAD NOT ARRIVED YET, I was nearly pushed into the tracks by a very large man who was apparently worried he might not get a seat! Buddy, I would have given you mine had I known that was coming! Needless to say the train came in and could not hold the amount of commuters eager to get back to their cold, dark, powerless homes. Luckily for me, the train door stopped right in front of me, I stepped on, got a seat and prepared for the second worst ride in my life. My ride home consisted of a grumpy packed train with people jam packed into every corner of the cars, cellphone talkers, seat changers and.... Drumroll please..... The man with the upset stomach! :D Tada!!! Every time the train stopped, people got off and new people got on. Small talk about the storm and lack of power was inevitable. Squished between the side of the train and the man that sat down on top of me, I realized I had been on the train for 1.5 hours. I get to do it all over again tomorrow.... For free!!!! Wait..... Crap. Enjoy my pix!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'm BACK!!!

It's been a long time, yes... but I'm back! Stay tuned for some VERY entertaining stories... Just a preview:
-ear hair
-nose cobwebs
-get a room
-I can't believe what I'm hearing OMG
-the last train of the night
-the second to last train of the night
-hobbit foot no shoes
-popcorn mouth
-sleepy time mask
-feet, feet and more feet
-new trains, no seat piping